Messy Church

Messy Church is an informal version of church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality. It's ideal for people who don't already belong to another form of church or who are looking for the fun and friendship that is provided by Messy Church. It meets at a time (and sometimes in a place) that suits people who lead busy lives but are looking for a spiritual aspect to their lives. Messy Church, not just because some of the crafts involve paint and glitter but more because our lives and experiences are not tidy and orderly but mostly messy.

Messy Church typically includes a welcome, a creative time to explore the biblical theme of the session, a celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games and similar; and a sit-down meal together at tables. All elements of the session are planned to include people of all ages and backgrounds; adults and children.

Church Details

Third Friday of each month

Families enjoy activities, games, crafts, story and tea together.

2.30pm to 4.30pm

Call Jane for more information on 01983407201

Brighstone and Shorwell

Please go to our website

Brighstone and Shorwell Methodist Church

for more information


Held at FMC on the 2nd Friday afternoon of the month 3.30pm - 5.30pm.

Children bring an adult. Lots oif fun, games, craft, Bible stories and food.

All welocme.


On the first Friday of each month we meet for Messy Church from 3.45pm to 6pm.

Click here for more information


Messy Church is held every second Wednesday of the month. It starts at 4pm and runs until 6pm. There is no charge, all families are welcome.

Please see our church web site ( for more details or find us on facebook page

(Quay street messy church).

Wootton Bridge

10 am to 12 noon for bumps, babies and toddlers under 5.