Bible Study / Home Group
“The Bible is the record of God's self -revelation, supremely in Jesus Christ, and is a means through which he still reveals himself, by the Holy Spirit” (taken from the Methodist catechism). We should be familiar with the Bible and immerse ourselves in it, it is not enough to hear just a few verses read to us on a Sunday morning. The Psalmist David describes God’s word as “a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psalm 119:115). By studying the Bible as part of a group on a regular basis enables us to grow and mature as individuals experiencing the revelation of Jesus Christ in our lives and ensures that we become an integral and useful part of the Christian community.
Bible study groups are accessible to all, comprised of people from many backgrounds, some with little or no knowledge of the Bible and some with many years -all can learn from each other. Typically, we meet in a home once a week and will focus on a particular section of the Bible, we also worship God and pray for each other. Everyone is very welcome. Check to see the group that meets nearest to you.
Church | Details |
Bembridge | Bible Study
Home Groups
Brading | Wednesdays at 1pm, alternate weeks. Contact Jane Morris on 01983 407201 for further details |
Brighstone and Shorwell | Please go to our website Brighstone and Shorwell Methodist Church for more information |
Freshwater | Weekly Prayer & Praise meeting with Bible Study. Every Wednesday evening 7 - 8.30pm in the Upper Room. Discussions include the Bible Society study of Romans, the Bible course, Methodist Bible Month, MAF courses. |
Ryde | These groups are currently suspended [C19] , but watch this space for details and future dates and times! |