Upcoming services

Rev Gina Hoff

Garfield Rd
PO33 2PT
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We have a God given vision to be at the heart of the Ryde community. As such we are constantly and obediently seeking to grow in worship, discipleship, service and outreach to all people in Ryde and surrounding areas.

We have many active groups that support a range of people both in Ryde and across the Isle of Wight. Please see the 'groups' banner to get the full details.

We’d love to see you at any of the events, you will find a genuine warm welcome. From Monday – Saturday there is one-hour limited parking from 8 am to 6 pm outside of our premises - but there are two council car parks on Victoria Street. However, there are no parking restrictions on Sundays.

We provide a service on our u tube channel every Sunday, this is available from 10 am every week. please search on U Tube 'Ryde Methodist Church'. Please let us know what you think in the comments box.

Contact: Mr Peter Bourne 01983 568041

There are currently no upcoming events at this church.

To find other events please visit our main events page.

  • Bible Study / Home Group

    These groups are currently suspended [C19] , but watch this space for details and future dates and times!

  • Boys’ Brigade

    This group is closed at the moment.

  • Community Fellowship

    The Meeting Place At Garfield Rd ,this is a happy,fun group for people who have a learning or physical disability or both and their carers . The group has been running for 9 years with original members and new members still arriving . As well as 'The Phoenix Project' and homes from all over Ryde members come from as far as Shanklin .Everyone is so welcoming and there is a lovely friendly atmosphere. There is a choice of things to do , this group runs on a Tuesday and Friday morning free of charge .

    Call Pete for more information 568041

  • Community Fellowship

    Garfield Film Club ; This runs on a Saturday 4 pm once a month open to all . This groups is run free of charge.

    For Further information please call Pete 568041

  • Community Fellowship

    The Sunshine Group at Garfield Road , is a group that offers friendship and fun for anyone who would like some company .We offer refreshments games,quizzes,table tennis,and darts.This is a fun group . We welcome everyone and we are a dementia friendly group.We meet every alternate Wednesday from 10 to 12. If you want to know more ring Pete on 568041.

  • Community Fellowship

    A Saturday Market Runs monthly from 10 am to midday. Please Call Pauline on 563163 to book a table.

  • Community Fellowship

    Ella Sheppard runs a dance studio each weekday, and Saturday mornings at the Church . This caters for all age groups, please see her web link for full details.


  • Community Fellowship

Coffee morning every Saturday 10 am to midday, everyone welcome.

We are an active member of the Ryde churches together group, please visit their website to see upcoming events, www.rydechurches.org

Lunch Club is held in the Church Hall on the first and third Wednesdays of the month starting at 12 noon. All are welcome!