Upcoming services

Rev John Izzard

Lay Worker
Jane Morris

York Rd
PO36 8ET
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Sandown Methodist Church is outward facing, opening its doors to the community all around and serving Jesus in every way possible.

We support local and overseas charities and organisations, as well as running outreach projects and events on the church premises.

Everyone is welcome, and we enjoy celebrating with families on special occasions such as Baptisms, weddings and blessings, as well as getting alongside folk at sadder times.

Special services are held during the year - church anniversaries, all-age worship called ‘summer breeze’ during the summer holidays, harvest, Christmas celebrations for all ages, as well as an annual service to remember our loved ones who have died.

Our Sunday mornings are varied from quite traditional to a more relaxed and informal.

We enjoy worship songs and more traditional hymns, we often use modern technology.

Holy Communion, where we share bread and wine, is celebrated once a month.

Occasional evenings at 6.30pm we hold a prayer and praise service which is a lovely time towards the end of a Sunday, an informal quiet and reflective time.

Contact: Mr Steve White 405433 email stevewhites74@gmail.com



There are currently no upcoming events at this church.

To find other events please visit our main events page.

There are currently no scheduled groups at this church.

To find other groups please visit our main groups page.

COFFEE MORNINGS are held in the Church on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Wednesdays from 10.00am to 11.30am - we invite all to come along for a social time to engage in chat over your chosen beverage. Meet old friends and make new ones, and find out what else goes on in the building.

This is held in a safe environment with some safeguards in place.

A warm welcome awaits you.